Rose Quartz Flower of Life Pyramid #943


Rose and Clear Sacred Geometry Pyramid with a Rose Quartz Merkaba, aluminum harmonizing coil, copper bits and Flower of Life symbol

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Rose Quartz is the stone of unconditional love. One of the most important stones for Heart Chakra work, Rose Quartz opens the heart to all types of love-love of self, love of family, love of friends, romantic love. Because it is quartz, Rose Quartz does have a high energy, but its vibe is also calming and soothing. Rose Quartz opens the heart to compassion for self and for others, and raises self-esteem. Rose Quartz eases guilt and balances emotions, lowering stress and bringing peace. Use Rose Quartz to enhance positive self-affirmations. The soothing energy of Rose Quartz fosters empathy, reconciliation, and forgiveness of others. Lowering stress and tension in the heart, Rose Quartz clears out anger, jealousy, and resentment of others, and allows healing of heart issues and disease associated with holding on to such negative emotions. Merkabas are great tools for working on your spiritual transformation, which some believe is the whole purpose of our existence. Merkabas are believed to form a spiritual shield around the holder. In upper dimensions, the geometric shape of the human energy field is said to be in the shape of a Merkaba. Thus, meditating with a Merkaba helps us to connect with our higher self. In ancient Egyptian, the literal translation of Merkaba is broken down by syllable to mean: Mer-rotaing fields of light, Ka-spirit, and Ba-soul. One of the Sacred Geometry forms, The Merkaba is believed to achieve transformation on all levels of existence. In Hebrew, Merkaba literally means “Chariot”. Aluminum has a very calming effect on nervousness, fears and feelings of guilt. A typical indicator is the feeling of impending madness. Aluminum encourages the facility to express feelings, and releases behavioral patterns of holding onto things as well as holding back and stimulates the desire for change and alteration. Aluminum helps with the loss of identity, finding ourselves again, and who we really are and our task in life. It encourages a sense of reality, soberness and alertness at any given moment, aids recognition of the seductions of modern life as the illusions they are and helps us to deal with them. A harmonizing coil creates a unique, continuous flow of energy. Research has shown that they emit a Life Field (L-field) that has a positive output.
The Flower of Life is the name that gives to a geometrical figure composed of multiple evenly-spaced, overlapping circles. This figure forms a flower-like pattern with the symmetrical structure of a hexagon. Drunvalo Melchizedek has called these figures symbols of sacred geometry, asserting that they represent ancient spiritual beliefs, and that they depict fundamental aspects of space and time. Melchizedek claims that Metatron’s Cube may be derived from the Flower of Life pattern, and that the Platonic solids within it were “thought to act as a template from which all life springs”. Copper is considered a mineral of energy and mental agility. Copper is an excellent conductor of energy, from electricity to the mystical subtle energies emanating from higher planes, etc. Thus, copper is said to enhance and transmit thoughts, even over long distances. Copper is used in traditional folk remedy and crystal healing lore to bring in additional energies for all types of healing


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